Monday, April 5, 2010

Photobucket Survey for Myspace

-This is easy, just go to and plug in the html code after the question, for photos to appear in survey.

1. Last place you were?

2. Place you wish you were right now?

3. last thing you ate?

4. Shoes you are wearing:

5. mountains, beach, or meadow- where would you rather go:

6. Favorite animal:

7. Favorite food:

8. Favorite drink:

9. Hottest celebrity:

10. Favorite book:

11. Favorite movie:

12. favorite xmas gift you have ever gotten:

13. what happened this year that made you happy:

14. where you live:

15. favorite candy:

16. A fear:

17. Another fear:

18. how rain makes you feel:

19. love:

20. what you want for your birthday:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What I Got For Christmas Survey For Facebook or Myspace

In this survey I'm going to call out a color, and you mention something you got for Christmas that contains that color.

1. Pink

2. Blue

3. Green

4. Yellow

5. Purple

6. Orange

7. White

8. Black

9. Clear

10. Red

11. What did you get this year that you really loved?

12. Was there something you wanted, that you did not get?

13. Was there something you got that you hated?

14. Were you disappointed in anyone this year?

15. Did you wrap gifts and add bows?

16. What was the most expensive thing you bought for someone else? Who was the receiver?

17. What was the ugliest gift you got?

18. What was the weirdest gift you got?

19. What was the cheapest give you gave, and who did you give it to?

20. Did you get snow this Christmas?

21. Who's house did you celebrate at?

22. Did you get a pet this Christmas?

23. Did you give someone a pet this Christmas?

24. Do you hang stockings, if yes, what was in yours?

25. Did you leave cookies for Santa?

26. Do you hang a mistletoe and actually use it?

What I got:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Christmas 2009 Survey, Cut and Paste For Myspace or Facebook Notes

1. Do you know what you want for Christmas already?

-Share with us 5 things from your list.

2. Have you done any Christmas shopping yet?

3. What is a family tradition you do every year?

4. Tell me something that makes you sad about Christmas?

5. Do you like Christmas?

6. Wil you see all of your family this Christmas?

7. Who's house will you celebrate at this year?

8. Is there someone in your famil you are not looking forward to seeing this Christmas? If so who, and why?

9. Do you creativly wrap your presents for others?

10. What was the best Christmas gift you were ever given- not counting people, or children:

11. What is a Christmas wish you would give to someone else?

12. Whats the most money you ever spent on a gift for someone?

13. Do you decorate the tree early, or late?

14. Do you use tinsel?

15. Do you own any antique Christmas bulbs?

16. Have you ever been to NYC during the tree lighting?

17. Do you put a star or an angel on the top of your Christmas tree?

18. Do you hang stockings?

19. Funniest Christmas memory?

20. Worst Christmas memory:

21. Do you drink eggnog?

22. Have you eaten a candycane this year yet?

23. Do you leave milk and cookies out for santa anymore?

24. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

25. Have you ever seen a drunk santa?

26. Do you have the Christmas spirit early this year?

27. What makes you jolly?

28. Have you ever roatsed chestnuts over an open fire?

29. Have you ever worn a tacky Christmas sweater?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Survey for Myspace or Facebook. Just Cut, Paste and Copy

1. What is your favorite thing about the fall?

2. Have you raked leaves yet?

3. Is your yard full of leaves?

4. Did you go pumpkin picking yet?

5. Have you eaten pumpkin pie this week?

6. Have you carved pumpking yet?

7. Have you ever bobbed for apples?

8. Do you decorate your home for fall or Halloween?

9. Do you still go trick or treating? If no, how old were you when you last went?

10. Is it cold enough to snow where you live yet?

11. Have you seen your breath in the air yet?

12. Did you go to any corn mazes?

13. Do you know anyone who works on a farm?

14. Do you drink hot chocolate in the fall?

15. What is one thing you love about the fall?

16. What is one thing you hate about the fall?

17. Have you ever made a scarecrow?

18. Will you make one this season?

19. Do you still jump in leaf piles?

20. What reminds you of fall the most?

21. What is your favorite fall hobby?

22. Do you have a favorite show that comes out in the fall?

23. Can you still go swimming in the fall where you live?

24. Do you eat candy corn?

25. Have you had a caramel or candy apple yet?

Friday, August 21, 2009

August 2009 Survey, Just Cut and Paste for Myspace of Facebook

So August is nearing its end, let's find out how it went for you!

1. Did anything happen that made you very happy this August?

2. Did anyone get pregnant this August that you know?

3. Did anyone have a baby this August?

4. Do you know anyone who got married?

5. Do you know anyone who got divorced?

6. What is your favorite thing about August?

7. How many times did you go to the beach?

8. Did you go camping at all this month?

9. Did you roast marshmallows?

10. Were you single or taken this month?

11. Did anything make you cry?

12. Is there anything about this month that you hate?

13. Tell us something embarrassing that happened this month?

14. Tell us something funny that happened:

15. Did you do anything illegal this month?

16. How did you feel for the majority of the month? As in, what emotion did you feel above all others?

17. Best movie you saw this month?

18. Tell us something you bought this month:

19. Who did you hang out with the most this month?

20. Did someone get on your nerves at all this month?

21. Did someone close to you pass away this month?

22. How do you think the rest of the month will go for you?

23. Did you kiss on the lips, more than one person this month?

24. Did you receive flowers from anyone this month?

25. Did you blow bubbles this month?

26. How was the weather this month?

27. Did you have any parties?

28. How many times have you gotten drunk this month? Can you even remember?

29. Did you go through any life changes this month?

30. What lesson have you learned this month?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Surveys, Taking Requests, for Myspace of Facebook

Sometimes I run thin on ideas, so if you have a certain survey type you are looking for and cannot find it, shoot a comment in the comment section and I will get to work, if the request is within reason

80 Questions Survey For Myspace or Facebook. Just Cut and Paste

A warm thank you to whomever refered back to this blog! Very much appreciated!

So, without further ado...

1. State your name:

2. State the name that your parents almost named you:

3. Which of your relatives do you get along with the most?

4. What was your first job?

5. Which of your relatives do you despise the most?

6. Did anything embarassing happen this week?

7. Do you miss your ex?

8. Do you ever dream about your ex?

9. What is your favorite color of clothing to wear?

10. How do you wear your makeup?

11. What are some of your nicknames?

12. How many bedrooms are in your house?

13. How many bathrooms?

14. Do you have a job?

15. Do you have a car?

16. Do you think you will go to college?

17. Tell me what you think hate means:

18. What is your definition of ugly:

19. What is your definition of beauty:

20. Do you have muscles?

21. How about abs?

22. Do you work out every week?

23. Did you brush your teeth this morning?

24. Name a fact that you think is bullshit:

25. Have you ever seen Pen and Tellers Bullshit?

26. Do you like Obama?

27. Did you like Bush?

28. Something about your neighbors that you hate:

29. Something about your neighbors that you like:

30. Has your neighborhood ever thrown a block party?

31. Have you ever kissed someone you never saw again?

32. Have you ever held hands with someone of the same sex? Children dont count...

33. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?

34. Do you like your eyes?

35. Do you think you are pretty?

36. What do you think of girls who are ugly, who think they are hot?

37. Have you ever called someone fat?

38. Have you ever confronted someone who was making fun of a stranger?

39. Are you a bully?

40. Have you ever called a complete stranger fat before?

41. Do mean people lack a soul?

42. Have you ever put a curse on someone who said something mean about you?

43. Have you ever practiced witch craft?

44. What do you think of Satanists?

45. Did you know people who practice satanism could curse you?

46. Do you believe in hexes?

47. Do you believe in vampires?

48. Who was the last person you cussed at?

49. Do you have a jacuzzi?

50. How much money is in your pocket right this moment?

51. How much money is in your checking account?

52. How much is in your savings?

53. Are you well off?

54. Do you have kids?

55. Do you want kids (for those who dont have them)?

56. What do you think of people on welfare?

57. If we had a war over a tax on tea, why the hell have we accepted a tax on everything else?

58. Are you smart?

59. Did you ever get left back in school?

60. How many times have you gotten after school detention?

61. How many times have you gotten in school suspension?

62. Have you ever been expelled? If yes, what for?

63. What is your worst subject in school?

64. Tell me what your back pack looks like:

65. Who is the ugliest person in your school? Based on 'the inside':

66. Who is the happiest person you know?

67. Who is the loudest perosn you know?

68. Who is the most annoying person you have ever met?

69. What celebrity do you think is hot?

70. Did you read Twilight?

71. Last movie you saw in theatre:

72. Are you dating the same person you dated last year?

73. Has someone you were dating ever cheated on you?

74. Have you ever cheated?

75. Have you ever flirted with someone online that you never met?

76. Have you ever met with someone you met online?

77. Have you ever been mean to someone just to make yourself feel better?

78. Tell me one thing, about yourself, that makes you an ugly person?

79. Have you been honest?

80. Have you ever done drugs?