Thursday, June 25, 2009

Myspace Love Survey For Guys

There are way too many crush surveys out there for girls, so today's survey focuses on one for the fellas.

1. What is your girlfriends name?

2. When did you meet her?

3. How long did it take for you to fall in love with her?

4. Were you friends first?

5. Can you in detail, describe your first kiss with her?

6. How long did that first kiss last?

7. Do you see yourself marrying her?

8. How would you react if she got pregnant?

9. What is the age difference?

10. Describe what she looks like:

11. Have you seen her naked yet?

12. Have you done more than kiss?

13. What is the funnest thing you two have ever done?

14. Have you gone on vacation alone together yet?

15. How long did you wait before you told her you loved her?

16. Was she dating someone before she met you?

17. If she had to move, what would you do?

18. Do you guys have a 'song'?

19. First date you ever had, where was it:

20. Tell us one quirky thing she does that drives you wild?

21. Do you have any pet names for her?

22. Is she still a virgin?

23. Does she drive?

24. Does she live close to you?

25. Are you planning anything special for her?

26. Have you ever surprised her with flowers?


1. What is her favorite TV show?

2. What is her favorite color?

3. When is her birthday?

4. What color are her eyes?

5. Does she have siblings?

6. What is one of her pet peeves?

7. What fragrance does she love most?

8. Does she know how to swim?

9. Is she afraid of heights?

10. What annoys her about you:

11. Who is her favorite singer/band?

12. What does she do as a living?

13. Has she ever cheated on someone before?


1. If you caught her cheating on you?

2. If she broke up with you?

3. If she told you she didn't love you?

4. If she moved far away?

5. If she spread rumors about you?


1. Do you see yourself with her in 10 years?

2. Have you ever picked names for your future children just for fun?

3. What is her future career goal?

4. What would you say if she wanted to be a housewife, where you support her and the kids?

5. Do you think things may change between you?

6. What's the longest you have ever been in a relationship before you met her?

7. Whats the longest she had been in a relationship before meeting you?

8. Have you ever cheated on a girl before?

9. Do you think you can be faithful to her forever?

10. Has she ever hooked up with an ex before getting with you?

11. Does she have a reputation?

12. Do you have a reputation?

13. Have you ever heard a foul rumor about her?

14. Has she ever heard a foul rumor about you?

15. Do you find her to be perfect?

16. Have you ever been in love, before you met her?

17. Were you a virgin before you met her?

18. How long have you been dating so far?

19. Tell us something about her that you don't like:

20. Has anyone tried splitting the two of you up before?


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